A world first mixed use social services hub in the heart of the city


U City

Working with leading community services group, Uniting Communities Built delivered ‘U City’, a world first mixed use residential, commercial, retail and social services hub in the heart of the city.

Value: $80m

Client: Uniting Communities

Architect: Woods Bagot

Completion date: February 2019

In developing U City, there was a commitment to creating a vibrant, integrated community that delivered much needed community facilities and services.

A South Australian first, the $80m development includes a specialist disability short stay accommodation facility, six floors of retirement living residences and specifically designed long-term rental accommodation for people living with a disability. U City also features state of the art integrated assistive smart technologies for users with disabilities throughout the building, making this a truly functional assisted living space.

The project comprises 5,000m2 of commercial office space, a double-height auditorium space, retail, public realm and a double level basement carpark within the 22-storey building.

The unique façade features 2,224 panels across 10,300 sqm with a panel design that reflects the ongoing evolution of Uniting Communities over 155 years, from the Maughan Church to the new mixed-use development.

The U City development represents world leadership in sustainable design achieving 84.9 out of a possible 100 points, and a 6 Star Green Star rating from the Green Building Council of Australia making it South Australia’s ‘greenest’ building design to date.


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