Event Cinemas Rollout
Annual Value of Service: $60m+
Client: Event Hospitality & Entertainment
Length of relationship: 15 years’

The New Way Forward
Live environment works amid moviegoers
Initially engaged to undertake a rollout of cinema and candy bar upgrade works across the east coast of Australia, Built completed concurrent projects ranging in size from $100k – $18m.
All works were undertaken on live operating sites, with a wide range of stakeholders to manage. Programming is key in both procurement and construction in order to minimise the impact on revenue on the cinema operations.
To maintain business as usual at the busy cinemas, the team included the provision of temporary candy bar and ticket box facilities as required and programmed noisy works to minimise impact to cinema patrons.
This required our team to be more flexible and nimble managing a multi-site rollout combining, fitouts, make good and upgrades across state lines, whilst ensuring each complex could continue to service customers throughout the duration of the works and maintain revenue for Event.
Adapting rollouts to specific local requirements
While the overall outcome for a national rollout is to achieve a consistent look and feel, with each individual site, comes different challenges and scope of works.
Each cinema varied from location within shopping complexes, and candy bar upgrade requirements through to the installation of high-end Gold Class and Vmax lounges in individual cinemas.
Built’s dedicated multi-site team, was able to work with each client to ensure a consistent level of service and results for each site while still maintaining a high level of quality and finish.
Taking experience to the next level internationally
Based on strong national work with Event Hospitality & Entertainment Built completed the fitout of a brand new seven cinema complex within the new Westfield Shopping Centre at Newmarket in Auckland, New Zealand.
Built’s innate understanding of Event’s product and ability to consistently deliver high quality fitouts within live environments without interruption to daily operations offered the client the best solution to deliver a bespoke product internationally.
With several custom finishes and construction activities within close proximity to each other, the team were able to leverage our experience in adapting to rollout challenges into the new build, developing innovative solutions for the design that ensured the project was delivered in a tight time frame without compromising on standard.